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A little while ago I taught a 6 week beginners yoga course for those completely new to yoga (not the students in this photo). I thoroughly enjoyed sharing my love of Iyengar yoga with the group and I was hopeful that they would, in turn, enjoy the classes and benefit from them. At the end of the course I asked everyone to provide some feedback and thoughts on the course in the form of the answer to one question :-

What does Iyengar Yoga do for you ?

Now in writing this blog each month I am conscious that I espouse all the benefits of yoga and how it will enrich you both physically and mentally. But that is all one way traffic. So I thought that this month, I would let you have your say. And I have garnered this from the comment cards I received at the end of the Beginners course. 

Here is what they had to say:-

“My sleep has improved”

“I feel more healthy”

“I am more flexible”

“It is relaxing”

“ My confidence in my body has increased”

“I feel alive”

“I feel calm

“I am more stable”

“I enjoyed the time for me”

“The people were great”

I could write a short piece about each of these comments, but I very much feel that they stand up on their own. 6 weeks of yoga and this was the response. It’s hard to argue with.

So next time you are wondering if you should sign up for a yoga class or whether you should get off the sofa and go to class – remember what your fellow students have said.

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